Saturday, September 5, 2009

Great News....

Congratulations to Andrea, Tim and Julianne. They are expecting their 2nd child in March and we are very excited for them. Julianne will be a great sister to have. I miss my girls,,,come visit soon.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hurry,,,,hide your remote controls !

What a nice way to start your weekend. Julianne and Amanda paid me a visit Saturday morning. She is coming up with all sorts of things. Going on 15 months, she loves books, loves to rock and sing, likes to make faces,loves to walk outside. She is really a joy to have at the house and loves her Aunt Amanda. She teases her with kisses as you can see in her pictures, but no one takes the place of her Mother. Andrea is such as good mother,I am so proud of her. I love all my girls.

Friday, August 28, 2009

New Year,,,New cut....same ole me

Andrea wanted to see so here I am.. ! The new look..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To cut or not cut....dark or not dark....

Well yes, i did it. I made the switch....I am now a dirty,dirty blonde instead of my light blonde.She got it as close to my 'roots' as possible. Excluding the white. And its cut just like I wanted. Finally, I have found someone that will listen but is honest about how it looks on me.
Waiting for the weekend. Nothing like wishing your life away.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lazy Dazy Sunday

Lazy but wonderful weekend,,,,,anytime away from work is great. But to spend time with my grandbaby is wonderful. Time goes by quickly in 6 weeks...and she has grown so much. She isn't just walking,,,but running. She loves going over to see her great great grandmother because she has a special basket of toys she can pick up and play with. She is such a joy, such a delight to have around. She brings a smile to everyones face.Sadly I didn't take pictures but I have those snapshots in my mind.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Matt came in from the mountains...

Matt came home from the mountains before school started. Thanks for spending time with us.

Surf's Up

Waiting for big waves to come from are some pictures from Oceanna Pier.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Pirates life for me....

Long long ago, when the town of Beaufort was all quiet. Along came a ship with loud cannons....and lots of pirates....
What a nice day to watch the pirates invasion on the Beaufort waterfront. Michael, Amanda, Derick and myself watched as the pirates invaded Beaufort. Then we went over to Cape Lookout to the rock jetty for some swimming and just some R&R. It was nice. The water is so nice this time of year. As the fall comes upon us the water starts to clear.
Amanda and Derick makes a cute couple.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekend updates

I feel like we are in the dog days of summer. The days are hot and humid, the day light is getting shorter. Sometimes the nights are cooler.
On Friday, Michael started his motocycle course which went though the entire weekend. I am sure he is glad its over. On Friday night Amanda came home and stayed the weekend. Saturday she and I went to Emerald Isle and met up with my highschool friend Kathleen and her family. We had alot of laughs and some good times. Kathleen has a daughter that just got home from New York after dancing at a school for 6 weeks. Kathleen's son is a student at ECU. Her husband Brad works from home. Here are some pictures of them. Enjoy....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blog Tech Needed does one work this thing. If I were a 8 year old child I would have no problems. This is a test.

Friday, June 19, 2009